keeping connected during physical distancing

Since we are all in the midst of social distancing and trying to keep not only ourselves but others healthy throughout the COVID-19 crisis, I wanted to share some reminders and activities I have been focusing on to help myself keep positive, connected, and hopeful for the future.


  1. By staying home and social distancing appropriately you are not only keeping yourself away from the risk of COVID-19 but you are helping all those you come in contact with. You are a part of solving the problem and are contributing to the big picture of safety and health.

  2. Wash your hands often with soap and water for a least 20 seconds.

  3. Focus on what you can control and what you can contribute to help in this crisis. Although this is a very hard time, try not to get overwhelmed with the negative. Keep the big picture in mind.

  4. Know that it is okay to feel anxiety, worry, fear, etc. during this time. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. To help ease these unpleasant feelings be sure to only educate yourself with news from a reliable source and do not lose hope. You can talk to people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.


  1. Stay active. I know it can be hard to get motivated when you are not surrounded by the equipment and those around you at the gym but, that doesn’t mean you can’t make your own spot at home to stay active. Use your own equipment if you have some; go for a walk/run; set up a mat and do some core exercises. There are many home workouts on youtube you can find to match your needs. Exercising is not only good for physical health but can help lower your feeling of anxiousness.

  2. Enjoy your own company. This can be a time to learn more about yourself and self-reflect. Explore the activities in which bring you joy and build on being comfortable with just your company. A way this can be done is by practicing mindfulness exercises such as mediating and or reflecting on what you are grateful for.

  3. Stay in contact. You may be alone for quite some time; however, that doesn’t mean you can't call or FaceTime your friends. Stay connected and enjoy the conversations you can have virtually. You can even talk about how you are both handling social distancing and learn from each other.

  4. Read/study. Read that book you never got around to reading and or get ahead in your studies. This is a perfect time to take time away from distractions and focus on what you can control. Be productive yet calm.

  5. Clean. Take this time to deep clean and get better organized and situated for the future.

  6. Learn a new skill. Learn something you have been wanting to for a while that you just haven’t got around to. An example would be how to cook a recipe you haven’t tried before.

  7. Make a playlist. Music is a major tool I use to uplift my spirits or to just ease my mind.

  8. Make goals. Make a list of what you want to accomplish in the near future and long-term.

  9. Relax. Watch a movie or just sleep. Take this time to recuperate and get ready for better times to come.

  10. Follow recommended protocols. This will help you and those around you keep safe and healthy.

Overall, do not be too hard on yourself during this unfortunate time. Know we are all in this together and that there are many people you can reach out for support. Overall keep connected. We all stand together as one.

Aliyah King